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Senior Dogs for Senior Citizens

Senior Dogs for Senior Citizen is a program rescuing senior dogs that are over 10 years of age from the shelters system.  The rescue will pay for the medical for the senior dog and place the dog up for adoption.  The adoption donation is 50 % off for senior citizens.  Adoption application and screening still apply.

Adopted thru Seniors For Seniors

 Meet Harper, 10-12 year old poodle rescued from Los Angeles East Valley Shelter.  Harper had been rescued from East Valley shelter 6 years ago by another rescue.  This rescue found a home for Harper.  Now, six years later, Harper is back at the shelter with a severe infection from dental disease.  His family chose NOT to take Harper back and the rescue no longer exist. Harper was put in the senior for Senior program and a wonderful home was found for Harper with a senior lady who's poodle had died two years before.  Harper is happy at his forever home.
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